SDSS Log Viewer-An Information Visualization
SDSS Log Viewer
JAVA jar file package

Web start

Due to various problems caused by running a jar file with -Xmx parameters, I strongly suggest you to use the web start to run this tool, by clicking the below button and allow it to run when the authorization window pops up.

Web start »

Download Jar files

In case the web start program fails work properly, you can download the zipped file, extract the file to a fold, and run the tool from Java jar files.

Launch version 1 (new): download. The second functional version. Reported on the Infovis Paper.

Version alpha 0.3: download. Third alpha version, adding save image function with right click on views.
Version alpha 0.1: download. Version that fixed initial bugs.

Separated viewers

Each of the three views can be scrutinized separately with large dimension.

Timeline viewer: download. Latest version, adding save image function with right click on views.
SkyMap viewer: download. Version with sample data function.
SQL Content viewer: download. Version that fixed initial bugs.

Quick start

Note: make sure computers have a Java JRE version 1.6.0 or newer, particularly on a Mac.

After download the zipped file, unzip them into a separated folder.

For Windows: double click the "run.bat" file to start the tool.
For Mac: Start "Terminal" application and type in command:

java -Xmx1024m -jar PATH/SDSSLogViwer_A-0.x

replace the "PATH/" with the right path where the unzipped folder is located, and replace the "x" with the version number downloaded.

Java in Mac OS

There is a potential Java version problem of running this tool in Mac machines, particularly for those which were purchased before 2010. Here is one possible solution.

In Mac OS, follow "Applications" -> "Utilities" -> "Java Preferences" What you will see on the screen is the order in which Java SE will run. Currently, for a lot of Macs, the order is:
  J2SE 5.0 32 bit
  Java SE 6 64 bit
  J2SE 5.0 64 bit
with J2SE 1.4.2 disabled (depending on when you got your system)
All you need to do to activate this is to drag Java SE 6 to the top spot (reorder them) so it reads:
  Java SE 6 64 bit
  J2SE 5.0 32 bit
  J2SE 5.0 64 bit
By doing this, you might can get the tool run fine in a Mac.

Need more?

For more information about running this tool, please check the Data and Manual page.