Visualization system to explore influenza sequence data. Light gray is used to display unselected points. A yellow outline is used to highlight the selection. ESC: Clear selection. Right-click, drag: Pan. CTRL + Left-click, drag and release: Add box to selection. s: Selection will be used to define a set. z: Selection will be used to define a zoom region. r: Reset the display (unzoom). Mouse-wheel: scroll to zoom in or out by 10% of the window size with the focus at the center of the window. Visible Geometry: l: Toggle display of the legend (on by default). d: Toggle display of the datarose (off by default). An attempt was made to use the glutPassiveMotionFunc to show the information for the data under the mouse pointer. This proved to be too slow so the use of this technique was discarded. The basic selection mechanisms can be used to identify the points under the mouse. Alternatively a keyboard command might be added to provide the information upon a keypress. See for a list of build dependencies. ===================================== Example: Building on a Debian system. ===================================== The following Debian packages are used for the build process. libtool To setup the build tools run: $ libtoolize $ autoreconf